At Coaching for Resilience, we recognize that life is filled with changes and challenges, some positive and some not so positive. We can’t stop these; they are simply a part of life. But we can choose how we respond to these bumps in the road and move forward with greater strength, insight, and resilience. Even better, we can learn to become resilient and achieve balance even while experiencing life’s difficult transitions.
Our goal is to maximize the quality of life of 40+ers and Baby Boomers who “have got a lot of living to do!” We work with individuals to bounce back from stress, manage multiple demands, assume new roles, adapt to change, and make important decisions so they can live healthy, balanced, and purposeful lives.
Together, we’ll define your challenges and aspirations, look at your thought patterns, uncover what’s holding you back, and develop practical strategies for overcoming what’s blocking or overwhelming you.
Read MoreSpecializing in Mid and Later Life Transitions including sandwich generation stresses, college excitement and fears (for parents), empty nester surprises, downsizing dreams and realities, changes in body image and health, unemployment dilemmas, newly becoming single, becoming a grandparent, retirement decisions, accepting losses, and more!
Read MoreThe Energy Leadership Index Assessment reveals how you view the world, what your energy level is under “normal” circumstances versus when under stress, and the results you’re achieving currently in your personal and professional life. By learning to shift your energy, you can redefine your full potential!
Read MoreWorkshops and discussion groups are designed to help you strengthen your strengths, learn new strategies, and realize you’re not alone. Whether it’s developing a healthier lifestyle, supporting aging parents, or re-inventing yourself, Coaching for Resilience provides the support and resources you need.
Read MoreWant to feel balanced and empowered through life’s challenges? Bounce back from stress and multiple demands? Live a healthy, balanced, and purposeful life . . . with time for yourself? Contact Jan Zacharjasz, founder of Coaching for Resilience, for a free 45-minute coaching consultation.
Read MoreTo find out how you can develop resilience, re-invent yourself, and maximize your quality of life through mid-life transitions, contact Jan at Coaching for Resilience today. Move forward with resilience so you can live the healthy, balanced, fulfilling life you deserve!
Read MoreAs the founder of Coaching for Resilience, I provide one-on-one life coaching, workshops, and discussion groups on resilient living and successful aging. I provide energy leadership assessments so you can see how much positive versus negative energy you live with, and learn how to shift your energy. The result? You’re able to get more done with less stress, adapt to change more effortlessly, and live a more inspired, purposeful, forward-looking life. You’re able to be your “best” self, contribute your talents, give back, and reinvent yourself so you can focus on what is truly meaningful to you. When it comes to mid-life changes, my goal is to move you from surviving to thriving through these life changes.